Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Beauty of Perennials

I finally got a chance to get back out into the yard and work on some of my gardening efforts from last year. As I was weeding some crabgrass out of the area on the side of the road where I'd planted an edging of Catnip and Hostas, I had to keep one eye out over my shoulder as cars fly up to this corner certainly paying no attention to any roadside gardeners.

During one quiet period when I was absorbed in cleaning up the unwanted crabgrass, I heard someone say something. I looked up and saw a woman walking by on the other side of the road. She was commenting on how lovely the flowers looked and asked if they were Lavender plants. Indeed the splays of light purple flowers that have blossomed on the Catnip do look pretty nice as they stretch out along the roadside. I explained to the admirer that, no, this was Catnip, and that I'd planted it there because I knew it would spread, as well as thrive, even in this lousy, sandy, side-of-the-road soil. I also said to her that, more importantly, I just want to cover all parts of our lawn with anything that grows well on its own, and therefore makes it less for me to have to mow! And, that was before all the talk about the price of gas going up, up, up! Now I've come to realize - for more reasons than just my sprawling catnip that I've become a perennial lover!

As she walked on, I thought back to my efforts of last summer working on the side of the road trying to make this patch of our property a little bit nicer to look at and provide us with an area that we wouldn't need to mow. I had to laugh at the number of times after all my days and hours of effort, I'd look out the window and see a car pulled over, tires crushing onto my bank of plants; or, last fall when the Town workers took down the big dying Maple from across the road and seemed to need to use our yard as their staging area...feet of the wood chipper planted firmly onto my bed of plants! The steady winter snows brought snowplow after snowplow down this road constantly pushing these heavy piles around, making me certain that my efforts with these plants was for naught. Even this spring Town workers from another department came to patch up the road at the corner, and apparently again needed this exact area to place their heavy paver while they spread new tar onto the road. Geesh, as if I hadn't placed these plants in tough conditions all this!

But, inspite of all that rough mistreatment, my hardy Catnip and Hostas have survived, and are indeed thriving! I have to smile at the size of them, remembering I'd purchased the almost dying, dried out 6" plants for half-price and as I dug them in, shook my head with uncertainty while looking at the sandy soil that they were going into as I wished them, "Good Luck!"
Now, I'm happy to say that the heartiest of them has spread to over two-feet in diameter and the bees are delighted to swarm around their delicate little purple flowers. And, along with drawing some compliments from passerbys, I now don't have to mow that whole 40' x 4' swath! As I look out at the rest of the yard I realize that now I'm going to have to get out there and put in some more perennials to add to its beauty and reduce my yard and mow-time even more!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Jury Duty - So Close!

I got the notice back in February or March that I was scheduled for jury duty on Thursday, June 5th. At the time, I filled out the info that I'd be available and sent it back in without a second thought.

As the date grew closer I realized how close it was to my summer break and hoped that as in the past 4 times that I've been called to serve and perform this civic duty over the years that I'd get a free pass and get out early...or, as a couple of times, all cases were settled out of court and we all got to leave.
As this week unfolded, I noticed in the nightly news that they announced not just one gruesome trial that was about to start this week, but two. But, what are the chances? Or so I tried to convince myself... Besides there are several courthouses in MA where jurors are placed on many trials that unfold every day. However, I did watch closely the one particular case that is getting the most media attention...the Entwistle murder case. You might remember, it's the one where the husband, a Brit, is accused of killing his American wife and their 9-month old child in a nearby town. He has said that he came home one day to find them murdered in their newly rented home. He claims he panicked and took the next flight home to England where he stayed until authorities returned him to the states, where he now sits in jail awaiting his trial.

This trial...the one I was so close to getting chosen to sit on!

Say good bye to summer vacation, Jan!

A half a dozen or more media trucks were packed around the entrance when we all arrived at the courthouse sometime before 8AM. Right away I felt my body tense up. As we entered we were all submitted to a scan entry, just as in an airport. I was one of the "lucky" ten to twelve who was asked to step to the side for a special one-on-one wave of the scan wand.

After getting the all-clear I picked up my gear and headed to the line where we were to submit our paperwork. I handed over mine and was surprised that we didn't need to present an ID. Anyone could have taken my place, if they wanted to! After the paperwork, the officer directed me down the line to get my "Juror Number." From that point on I was #87.
Having grown up with a last name that begins with the letter "A", I've grown used to being called first for things...first in attendence, first in line, first up, first one to have to speak in class, etc. Interesting that I've never thought about how that could impact one's identity, but it actually is something that I've realized is a "part" of of the "how come I am the way I am" things about me. Given the number 87, I was soon to realize how relieved I was not in the # 1 spot and that there were several other numbers before me!

I walked into the large sitting room and eventually about 200 people all congregated there. Multiple times we were told that we were not to read any newspapers or discuss any trials that we might be aware of. At 8:30 the head Bailiff came up to the front of the room, introduced himself and explained that this was "just a normal day" at the courthouse. There were 14 courtrooms and we could be assigned to any given case that was to be held that day (and, pay no attention to all those media trucks outside the window!). He then further explained the basic rules and regs about this civic duty and showed us the "intro to jurying video." When that was over he explained that normally the first juries aren't selected until about 9:50 - 10, sit back and relax...or, at least, sit back and wait.

That said, at about 9:10, he announced that the first group of potential jurors was to leave the room - as he called numbers 1 through 100. And, yes, #87 falls in that group. Although, in the end there were not 100 of us...probably about 70-75. We were instructed to follow another officer and proceeded to pass several people working on laptops in the hallway, most of whom stopped to watch us proceed by. I heard a British accent as one chap spoke with someone on a cell phone and it dawned on me where we were headed. Another just held a cell phone up as we walked by and I later realized that he was probably taking photos.

We entered the courtroom where the judge sat facing us and the lawyers and defendent had their backs to us. The judge introduced the case to us and then introduced the lawyers for the Commonwealth and then the lawyers for the defense and Mr. Entwistle. I was seated about 25 feet away from the back of the defendent's head.

After learning some things about the case, we were all escorted out to a separate courtroom and issued a questionnaire about the case. We were to reveal what we knew of the case (though in answer to specific areas and very basic "yes/no" format with a few lines to elaborate). We also needed to indicate whether or not we knew any of the 100+ witnesses that were listed.

An hour passed after turning in our questionnaires and then the bailiff came in announcing that numbers 1 through 15 needed to report for an interview with the judge and lawyers. At that point I realized with a big sigh of relief that I was particularly glad to not be at the front of the line...very content to hide in the middle or back of the pack! I looked around the room and realized that there were 50 others who were probably feeling the same thing.

Another hour-plus went by and finally the bailiff returned asking for numbers 16 through 30 to join him. This happened a couple of more times over the hours as they called 31-45; then 46 through 65. Those of us left remained tense, yet released sighs of relief as each group of numbers was called.

It finally got to about 1:00 PM and after some people complained about not getting that lunch break that they told us we would get the bailiff who was "babysitting" us got a radio call that said they finally realized that they needed to give we "sequestered" folks some lunch. Sometime after 2 PM some pizzas arrived...those who were low on blood sugar jumped to the front of the line!

We finished eating and proceeded to sit some more. There was some chatter and even some clandestine checking of cell phones by a couple of folks when the bailiff was out of the room (maybe I'm not supposed to say that? Though they were never chosen, so it couldn't effect the trial...right?!)

Eventually we got the call to go downstairs...though to where, we weren't sure. They took us to some side room where we met up with about 12 other jurors who had spent time with us earlier and they, too, were just waiting to be called or at least informed as to what was going to happen next. They seemed a bit jollier a group...evidently had passed the time with one of them at the self-appointed role of "comedian" who'd kept the rest of them laughing. (I'd seen this guy's "shtick" when we were part of the bigger group and was easily tired of him...but, who am I to say...?!) I also noticed that this group was composed of mostly women in their 20's and 30's and just a couple of, this guy had a "captive" audience. It also made me realize what it would be like to be "sequestered" with a group of fellow citizens on an intense case like this. You know a case like this is not going to take the short 3 weeks that they suggested most cases last. I'm sure personality conflicts could develop and tensions could build when in deliberations with such an assortment of characters.

The next step in the jury selection process is to be called in and interviewed by the judge and both lawyers in front of the defendent and whomever else they allow in the courtroom. About 3 PM the bailiff came to the doorway of our room and once again announced, "May I have your attention please?" Usually he followed this up with, "Would numbers 65 through 80 please follow me." Anxiously we all sucked in our breaths.

"The jury selection is finalized. You are all free to go."

The 24 of us in the room all whooped for joy...releasing the anxious tension and stress that had built up in all of us all day. So much so, that the bailiff had to ask us to keep it down as the "unknown" room they had moved us to was adjacent to the courtroom, and they could all hear us in there!

I left realizing that I had psychologically braced myself for participating in this arduous, yet interesting exercise. I was ready to put myself in a juror's seat and learn some lessons while participating in our legal system. One of the statements that burned itself in my brain was, "In the US and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts a person is innocent until proven guilty. You must accept this as truth and only use the evidence presented in the trial to form your opinion about the case. Can you accept that?" (or something to that effect).

This is the type of high-profile case that has already been played out in the media, which was one of the reasons the defense lawyers felt they were not going to find any unbiased jurors. It will be interesting to see if indeed the DAs have enough evidence and can convince the jurors that Entwistle is guilty. I'll probably be following this case a little more closely than I would have otherwise.

And, I have to chuckle as I realize that I'll probably spend some of my much coveted summer vacation time following this case! Maybe to see how I would have felt or reacted to some of the evidence presented. Maybe just to learn more of how our system works in its intent to provide a legal system that is hopefully fair and just to all parties...innocent until proven guilty.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Sunday Snapper

We had quite the neighborhood gathering on Sunday morning. Leisurely sipping coffee and reading the Sunday newspapers, we noticed a small group of people clustered at the end of our street. As one of them moved to the side, we saw the large dark object in the street that they were all in stop-action and checking out.

Being early June and from the size and shape of it, I somehow figured it was probably a snapping turtle and I headed out to join our neighbors in this close-up view of this pre-historic looking creature.

I thought back to several years ago when I was a kid, remembering big female snapping turtles in late springtime arriving in our backyard, just hundreds of feet from the little pond that bordered our property. They looked enormous to me as one by one with their back legs they dug out these deep holes in our yard and proceeded to drop hundreds of eggs into each hole. As I grew older, it eventually sunk in to me in the summers, when we were rowing around in the little pond, merrily, merrily, merrily drifting about with our hands in the same waters, that these BIG snappers lived there too!

Though, we still rowed about diving our hands into the water to catch frogs and never really knowing to fear these big "snapping" creatures.

Life was but a dream.....


Right away the little 5 year-old boy confirmed my thoughts and called out to me, "Look, it's a dinosaur!"

And, indeed, with its brown scaley tail, the jagged shell, and wrinkly neck, it did seem to look like something out of the ancient times of dinosaurs roaming the Earth.

It was so cool to see it pull up onto its legs as it got up to slowly walk across the road. The legs had backward-looking knees, or elbows, and the turtle waddled ever so slightly from side to side as she walked.

Of course, crossing the road was what everyone was trying to stop her from doing (like we knew better for her?!). We just didn't want to have a car come by and crush her as she returned from laying eggs, or whatever she was doing.

But, no one was quite up for picking her up and carrying her across the road either!

"Watch out! Their necks can stretch all the way around to their tail!" The boy's father claimed as he warned them to stand back.

"Their jaws are like vises, they can clamp shut on you and take off a finger," added another bystander as he poked her with a stick.

"You can tell how old they are by the notches on the back end of their shell." Neighbor Bob the Builder offered his two cents.

"What predators do you think they have...any?" Neighbor Randy piped in.

"I bet something like raccoons can find and eat their eggs, but probably humans and cars nailing them as they try to cross roads is their biggest predator!" I joined in with my thoughts on the matter.

We don't really know these creatures in our lives at all, yet we were all full of ideas as to all sorts of things about them. All of this made me wonder if some of these were indeed true facts, or just some hearsay passed along from generation to generation.

Gonna have to read up on them...but, in the meantime, I'm still not gonna try to pick one up...
they could snap a finger off , you know?!
This morning driving in to to work I came upon two school buses stopped with flashers on in the middle of the road, not a house or student nearby. One of the drivers was out in the road poking a stick at a big, dark blob...finally, after waiting a few minutes, a "Brazilian Painter" (that's what it said on the van he jumped out of!), jumped out and picked up the turtle around the widest part of its shell, flipped it on to its back and dropped it. He picked it up again and did the same thing about 3 times, bobbling it across the road, finally landing it on the side in the dirt where it stood up, a bit dazed and started to assess if it was on the right side of the road.

Everyone was in the rush of their morning commute and sped by. I wished her well. Especially if she really wanted to be on the other side of the road...!