Thursday, August 27, 2009
Monday, August 3, 2009
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Skateboarding - Jared
...he's good...real good...
...could use a BIG skateboarding sponsor
...besides his employer - ACE Painting....
BTW - he's a great painter too...
...maybe he'll compete in some events this summer...
...skateboarding, not painting...
: )
Stay tuned:
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Patriots Day

we'll be in Concord Center next Monday...
Patriot's Day Parade day....It's always a great small town parade..but, with much more one of the towns where it all started...fifes and drums, flags and ceremony,
cannons booming, etc....
About 10-11 AM you'll find us hanging outside of the Colonial in hand....
come join us!!
: )
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Spring Peepers

Sunday, March 8, 2009
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Cabin Fever Get-Together
I'd have to say the highlight of my February vacation week was meeting up with everyone at the Inn on Thursday night!
So instead of, "Oh, guess who we ran into last night at the Inn..." and going there cold and not running into anyone, I did send out email invites to some local camp folks. We've all shared some good history together, inevitably life and all of our choices as we've gotten older has caused us to drift a part some. So, given no winter tepee to hang out in around the campfire as in the days of old ... February cabin-fever seemed the perfect time to break out of our cocoons and share a few stories and laughs!
Thanks for coming out everyone!
Rumor has it we'll be doing it again soon sometime!
Another rumor has it that we're going to be on the cover, or at least photographed, for the April edition of Boston Magazine, who was there that night to cover "Pub-life" at the Inn in their "Restaurant Haunts" section...HA!! Funny, after all the time and dollars we've spent down there over the many years...we go "away" for almost a year, come back for that one night, and Boston Magazine is there shooting (I mean specifically us?!..."Could you just continue what you're doing, drinking that beer, laughing and telling stories, acting natural...while I stick this camera in your face and shoot about 700 pictures?!")
The drinking beer, telling stories and laughing was natural...the camera in our faces was not!!
In the end they'll probably use a picture of the fireplace!
It was a nice get-together everyone...thanks!!
And, as always, thanks for tunes, Fitz!
BTW, does anyone have any Survival pix...or AOE for that matter? I know I don't...all those years of my life not recorded in photos.....hmmmm, that could be a good thing, actually!
...this is all of us after winter camping for 4 days...check out the campfire, little sleep smiles!
...this is Patte after a swamp walk with 20 kids...check out the happy, muddy smiles!
...this is Ace after "Late Night Duty"...ka-boom! phew! got-out-alive smile!
...this is Charlie stepping into the morning tepee no whistles...check out the smile
...this is Jen leading "The Princess Pat" song...check out the Dining Room full of smiles
...this is Harv heading down the "Goat Path"...check out the smiles
...this is Nancy Mac after a run down the camp road...satisfied smile
...this is Myk sharing the Wisdom of the Universe with us all...ah, the smiles of the Universe
...this is John and Michael playing guitar around the campfire...nodding campfire smiles
...this is Ken making Zoomers the Golden Griddle Treat....all smiles and laughs
...this is Wally leading a Star Show...heads up enjoying the show smiles
...this is Karen with her shorts inside out...check out the smiles
...this is Larry with his darter's Fait Accompli smile
...this is Marianne making announcements with Jackson in a backpack on her back..."Look at me, I'm as helpless as a kitten up a tree..." smile
...this is Jimmy Mac dressed up and doing the Funk-Down....look at all the smiles
...this is me swarmed with blackflies..."One blackfly, two blackfly..." black flies in my teeth smile
...this is Henry leading a square dance in the Dining Hall..."Rebel Yell!" loud smiles
...this is Mary making her Loon call faking out Nan H....check out the laughs
...this is Frenchie chasing and hooting with owls in the woods...RIP Frenchie...sad smiles
...this is Don, smiling at Frenchie's stories at Survival... RIP Don...sad smiles
...I'm enjoying all these pictures that are floating through my mind now...who needs the real ones!!
: )
R. Crumb Exhibit

A nice (and free) take to help break up the mid-winter cabin fever...
R. Crumb spool characters done (front and backsides) in pen and ink with some color...very fun!