Stephen D. Paine Gallery
'til March 7, 2009

A nice (and free) take to help break up the mid-winter cabin fever...
About 100 pieces on display of R. Crumb's somewhat irreverant, warped and twisted humor of work from the 1960's through to 1996. The exhibit includes a short film made in 1970 of he and his friends at work hand-assembling an issue of ZAP Comix.
You'll recognize and remember - Fritz the Cat, Mr. Natural, Crumb's mini-skirted big-thighed women, Janis Joplin album cover...and lots more! Some fun stuff that brings you back to the day...if you were around in the warped era of the dawning of the Age of Aquarius!
Great comment by friend Mary who we joined for the show -
"So, it made me realize that these early comic geeks, were the fore-runners of "Dungeon and Dragons" geeks, who were the forerunners of today's computer game geeks. I guess these kind of people are always around doing these geeky things!"
Of course, R. Crumb's "geeky" things are laced with warped realities, bad LSD trips, pot-smoking, and rather vivid carnal views of life! And, showed America a "new view" of what a comic book could be...move over Captain Marvel and fellow super-heroes!
(*and absolutely no offense to any kind of geeks out there!)
R. Crumb spool characters done (front and backsides) in pen and ink with some color...very fun!
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