I pulled my black beret down over my ears and forehead as far as it would go as I walked briskly about my business. I did stop for a brief moment to watch a pair of newly arrived robins flit about with each other in the still bare-leafed trees. A couple of grey squirrels were at the same business on the other side of the wooded area - one chasing the other, tails flashing as they jumped from limb to limb.
Ah, the mating rituals of springtime...even with the wind cutting down my neck, I had to smile at the thought that this long winter was finally looking like it was behind us!
Deep in my own thoughts I really wasn't aware of the character walking on the opposite side of the street. I heard something, but didn't pay much attention. When I heard a second loud whistle and a sort of "Yip!" I looked over and saw the guy whom Ace calls Rocky Raccoon and I call the Mongolian Dishwasher. We don't know him, but he looks Nepalese or Mongolian and often wears a turban-like towel around his head as he walks to and from his apartment and his job as a dishwasher at the local diner.
Today he had a dark beret-like hat pulled down low over his ears, sunglasses and a black coat and he was looking right at me as he stopped walking and once again whistled, following it up with his funny "Yip!" sound. As there was no one else around that he could be communicating with, I figured he must be acknowledging me, so I mildly smiled and nodded as I moved on with my errands.
It wasn't until I got home and told Ace the story, complete with details of how the guy was dressed. Ace started to laugh and said, "Well, look at you. Rocky Raccoon thought you were his long-lost twin - black beret pulled down, sunglasses on, black coat and boots...!"
And, that's when I realized that indeed I was dressed almost exactly like this guy and maybe that's what his whistling and "Yips!" were all about...either that, or remembering the robins and squirrels frisking around on my walk, maybe it's some sort of Mongolian mating call!!
Rocky you met your match!?
Any other noted or not beret wearers to add to the list?!
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