Here in New England we had a major ice storm 5 nights ago that nailed more than a few towns around the area. We were fortunate in that all we got here was rain....but a mere 15 minutes away at our friends little place, "The Teapot Cafe" .... ice storm, trees down, no electricity...still...5 days later....right before the holiday season. (Dang! We were hoping to sell lots of gift shop goodies!!)
Lots of people still without in the school gymnasiums; or maybe their own home...just no electricity, heat, cooking, showers, etc. That's gotta be tough.
But, I've never shared this one with you. My sister lives in Texas, outside of Galveston Bay area which got hit, big time, by a hurricane back in early September. She's lived there for over 30 years now, and yes, she's been hit with some hurricanes during that time, but apparently nothing like this past one....Hurricane Ike.

Knowing how to live in "hurricane country" for years now, sister Jo knows when these severe weather warnings come just how to elevate certain pieces of furniture; pack and store other household items; and, when the weather reports indicate that her area is up for a "Big One!" she's learned how to quickly pack-and-go.
And, that's just what happened during those early September days when the annual hurricane report was issued.....she packed and stored everything up high and away just before she fled the town for more inland areas at her son's home outside of Houston.
Well, Ike hit, and the days past...and continue to pass...the Galveston Bay area got wiped out during that storm...and, Joey, who lives inland from that area by quite a ways, hasn't been able to return to her house since then. Four feet of water...and, all the damage that that took almost 2 months for someone to come by and declare her place "totalled." And, that's where she learned that having a "totalled house" takes a whole lot longer to take care of than other. Right from the start she's filed her living situation with FEMA, but every step along the way seems to take an extremely long chunk of time.
Apparently, over 400 households of people in her town have just up and moved out due to the ravages of this storm.
Joey is fortunate that she lived across the street from some folks who she didn't really know at all, but have a small over-the-garage apartment, and after spending almost 2 weeks at her son's place outside of Houston (which didn't have electricity during that time either!)...she moved into her neighbor's apartment.
We talk about once a week...and, as my every day life goes on and I hear of the assorted hardships due to ice storms or mundane life problems going on in people around me, I always have in the front of my mind what my sister must be going through....
that's gotta be tough.....
We've all had a snowstorm where we got socked in for a day or two.... but, at this point, she's looking at 3 months of not living in her own "home sweet home"....having to deal with FEMA regarding rebuilding it...and, realizing that she doesn't make much/any money back on her 30-plus year property ownership, if she doesn't put the money into rebuilding!
So, now she's dealing with architects and contractors to see if they can rebuild her place...and, hopefully make it "hurricane-proof" for a price that she hopes she can afford on her recently earned retirement pension.
Take a deep breath and as you let it out realize that your life is okay....perhaps even better than a whole lot of people. Be grateful for the roof over your head and the loving people in your life.
'Tis the season.....
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